The Lumia Denim update has started rolling out globally and after touching the base on the European and the Chinese shores, it has reached India as well. The Lumia Denim update brings minor bug fixes and a major overhaul to the camera department. The update has started hitting Lumia 520 and Lumia 525 in India and will soon be available for other devices as well.
Nokia Lumia 520
The update has major improvements if you have the requisite hardware
and the Lumia twins are pretty much restricted by their hardware. As a
result, they won’t be able to exploit the complete functionalities of
the update. It is available as an OTA update and if you don’t get it,
you can just go to Settings and check for the update manually.
As far as the users of Lumia 520/525 are concerned, you’ll get an upgraded Lumia Camera app, which will allow you to click a lot of pictures in a matter of milliseconds. Rich Capture will automatically adjust the settings in order to give you the best picture. In requires a flash as well but it same is missing on these devices. The low-light imaging has been improved drastically.
The Lumia Denim update on the whole won’t be much of a benefit to you if you are not into imaging and own a Lumia 520/525. However, the usability has been improved and those occasional clicks will look way better than they already did.
As far as the users of Lumia 520/525 are concerned, you’ll get an upgraded Lumia Camera app, which will allow you to click a lot of pictures in a matter of milliseconds. Rich Capture will automatically adjust the settings in order to give you the best picture. In requires a flash as well but it same is missing on these devices. The low-light imaging has been improved drastically.
The Lumia Denim update on the whole won’t be much of a benefit to you if you are not into imaging and own a Lumia 520/525. However, the usability has been improved and those occasional clicks will look way better than they already did.
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