
Friday, 14 November 2014

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US Dept. Of Transportation Hacked By Chinese Hacker

A Chinese hacker going with the handle of ”M4ix#4s” from ”1937 CN Team” has hacked and defaced the official website of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of U.S. Department of Transportation.
Hacker left a deface note along with a message in Mandarin Chinese language. The reason for targeting U.S. Department of Transportation website wasn’t mentioned anywhere.
The deface message was expressed in following words:
The translation of the above defaced message :
”Hey, this is our first public action, because we live in darkness for too long. We do not have anything for the world somewhere, or a race of people to promote justice lofty thoughts, nor to make any contribution to the national and patriotic feelings. Today, you see, is just a very simple penetration. Thus, Hacked by M4ix # 4s.”
The mirror of proof : http://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/23255087
It is unclear if hacker works for the Chinese government or not, but such hacks will create rift between both countries. The United States repeatedly blamed Chinese government for conducting cyber attacks on high-profile state owned servers/websites.


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